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  • How To Get Noticed

    Cemporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et...

  • Old Photos Made New Again

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas,...

  • What Makes A Good Website?

    A lot of things have changed over the past 30 years, not the least has been how we use websites in...

Cirrus Digital Web Design

Cirrus Digital Web Design


You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, so make that impression count!

Your website is usually the first contact a potential customer has with your business. In today’s on-line world, it’s how they find you, and in many cases, your site can help them decide to do business with you.

Cirrus Digital can help you showcase your business, with a fully designed mobile responsive site that is designed to impress, and with an effective SEO campaign, your site will help bring new customers to your business.  All at a cost that is much less then you might think.

We understand that one size does not fit all. For this reason, Cirrus Digital offers several different options for web design based on your specific needs. All packages include a mobile responsive, SEO ready web site with client direct project management, and analytics.

1. Basic Site – Includes a free theme design, up to 5 pages of content integration, a fixed menu structure, links to social media accounts, contact form, hosting and backup provided. One revision round is provided after site goes live.  With the addition of a Support package, we will keep your site updated as needed.

2. Premium Site – Includes a free theme design, up to ten pages of content integration, a flexible menu structure, links to social media accounts, a contact form, hosting migration and backup, and up to two revision rounds.  With the addition of a Support package, we will keep your site updated as needed.

3. Custom Site – Includes a custom design with pages as required to include a flexible menu structure, social media feeds on your website, a contact form, hosting migration and backup.  A Support package is included and required for custom sites to always keep your site up to date.

4. E-Commerce Site – Includes a custom design, with pages as required to include a flexible menu structure, social media feeds on your website, a contact form, E-Commerce ready webpage with a shopping cart system to allow for product entry. A Support package is included and required for E-Commerce sites to always keep your site up to date and functioning properly.